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azroy shazwan.


Emy Shamimi
Fyra Surianti
Siti Rozianah
November 2009 December 2009 January 2010

Friday, January 29, 2010 { 6:03 PM }

It's been awhile since last update.
Told you my blog is kinda of redundant to me.

No major events happening.
Just wait and time will tell.

Thursday, December 31, 2009 { 12:42 AM }

New Years Resolution:
1) Stay alive
2) Earn more bucks
3) Roll a cigg in 5 seconds.

Too many shits have happened in 2009.
Nothing beats than having a good start for a new year.

Please, oh please.
Let me have a good year ahead.

Friday, December 25, 2009 { 5:51 AM }

Problems after problems.

Monetary, family, personal.
What shit already has not happened, I don't know.

Stress upon stress.
I hate everything that is happening,
be it in house or out.

All the history is repeating itself.
History which I'm not fond of. Totally.

Camp seems to be like shit is already enough.
The training and how they treat us is worse than how you can imagine.
Have to at least pass IPPT, which is almost impossible for me.

Family-wise, everybody seems to be negative towards me.
Mum, Dad, Aunt. Everyone.
All they do is nag & nag & nag & nag.

When I raise my voice just a lil',
BOOM! There they go.
Tsunami can hide in fear.

I'm hating every moment that passes by.
Sounds like I'm an emo fag, but this time it only makes me fuming.
Nothing beats than having my own room of space and freedom from everyone.

Thursday, December 17, 2009 { 2:34 PM }


Oh well...
Anyway, the time and date given for each entry you have seen/read is not right.
Something's wrong with it.

{ 9:59 AM }

Rugby is a tough gay game.
Big muscle men running and tackling each other.
But one off-thing, they touch each other's balls.
Really! When they do the scrum, it's crotch grabbing time.

And New Zealand is still good without Jonah Lomu.

Regimental Police. My new unit.
Good thing, 2 days work 2 days off.
Bad thing, stay-in camp for another 6 weeks.
That makes it a total of 32 weeks staying in camps for me.
32 weeks = 8 months. Superb la dey!

Life. Vondwerful.
Ecspecially when it comes to pay matters.
Never enough, at least for me.

To make it more unfair, next year they are paying the recruits $500+.
Its like working part time at some boutique.
Fuck you man.

I miss my granny and gramps much.
Love, me.

Monday, December 14, 2009 { 10:16 AM }

Dilemma of how to get myself free on 31st December.
Knowing that I will be in camp,
and the gig starts around 4pm.
Gimme ideas for reasons to 'keng'.
Help deeply appreciated.

We can go far because of a person.
We can, also, stay at this position because of a person.
It's make or break now.
2 years and we're on the verge of a big break.

31st December. Field, next to Civic Centre Woodlands.

Well, that's the event schedule so far.
If there's any changes, I'll update.

Just a sneak peek.
We are glam rock now. =)

Goodnight souls.

Sunday, December 13, 2009 { 3:06 AM }

Life seems like a standstill to me.
There's nothing much I can do at home,
better to be out than at home.

As much as I hate it, BMT seems to be more fun.
Miss the friends & activities.
The old lame jokes. The shit we get for every single thing.
Put a smile easily now everytime I think about it.

Still, life has to continue.
A private now, Private Azroy.
Chey! Haha

Life for me now is sleep late, wake up late, online, go out (if there's a plan) & sleep late again.
Repeat that for the next day.
No overseas trip, not even for a single hour to Malaysia.
Looks like Bali has to wait.

31st December.
I'm dead if I can't get a day off.